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Gynecological related problems are a frequent health concern in both female adolescents and older women usually ranging from treatable problems to more complex reproductive health concerns. At CT OBGYN, we offer evaluations; diagnosis, treatment and management of all gynecological related disorders within a comforting and confidential environment. Our team consists of compassionate and skilled medical professionals who care about the overall-well being of our patients.
Well-women exams
To ensure reproductive well-being, at CT OBGYN we perform well-women exams, (commonly referred to as annual exams) usually consisting of proposing questions about the patient’s sexual history, menstrual cycle and any other irregular gynecological concerns. A full breast and genital examinations are also performed to screen for any irregularities. We highly recommend that women with a family history of breast cancer undergo breast examinations frequently to treat any irregularities. We are committed in educating women on how to self-examine for suspicious breast lumps. An annual Pap smear is also recommended to potentially rule out early onset of developing abnormal cervical cells which may lead to cervical cancer.
Adolescent gynecology
Today, gynecological related disorders within the younger generations are an increasingly common health concern, ranging from young females suffering from irregular monthly menstrual cycles to much more complex health conditions such as sexually transmitted infections.
Our practice offers evaluations, diagnosis, treatment and management of various complex and non-complex gynecological related disorders for adolescents. Our team of medical professionals at CT OBGYN are highly committed in educating the young adolescents about their reproductive health.
Cancer screening
At CT OBGYN, we suggest screening for cancer as a precautious step taken towards a patient’s well-being. Various types of screening tests are available within our facility including; a thorough physical exam with a patient history examination, laboratory tests taken to detect abnormalities of the tissue, blood or urine; hi-tech imaging procedures such as x-rays and CAT scans; and genetic testing to prevent the likelihood of developing cancer.
PMS evaluation and therapy
Premenstrual syndrome, commonly identified as PMS, is known as a number of symptoms associated to a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle usually occurring 1 to 2 weeks prior to the date of actual menstrual bleeding. Symptoms of PMS include; swollen or tender breasts, fatigue, insomnia, bloating or fullness of the stomach, water retention, constipation or diarrhea, appetite changes, and both physical and emotional factors such as; anxiety or depression, mood swings (unexplained crying). The underlying cause of PMS is unexplanatory but research sheds light on hormonal changes being a primary cause for it. Symptoms of PMS usually reside once menstrual bleeding begins. Our practice offers various treatment plans to best manage PMS, which include; lifestyle changes such as partaking in regular exercise, maintaining a healthy diet and getting enough rest. We may also prescribe over-the-counter medications, such as, Ibuprofen to ease physical symptoms of PMS. Alternative therapies consist of patients taking supplements, certain vitamins and minerals (e.g. calcium, magnesium, vitamin B and E). A more severe form of PMS, known as Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) may develop and we highly recommend patients to seek urgent medical care.
Menstrual abnormalities
For most women a regular menstrual cycle is known to occur every 28 days, but can range from 21 to 35 days with menstrual bleeding lasting four to seven days. At CT OBGYN, we treat a number of menstrual abnormalities including; irregular periods that occur before 21 days or later than 35 days, missing three or more periods, menstrual flow that is either heavier or lighter than usual, painful periods, or abnormal bleeding that occurs between periods or after intercourse. Menstrual abnormalities can lead to conditions such as; amenorrhea (periods have stopped), oligomenorrhea (irregular periods), dysmenorrhea (painful periods) or abnormal uterine bleeding causing heavier menstrual flow. Stress, lifestyle factors, certain birth control pills medical conditions, such as, fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) may attribute as causes for women experiencing abnormalities within their menstrual cycles. We offer women treatment plans reliant on their reproductive health condition from medications, such as oral contraceptives or certain drugs like ibuprofen, to surgical procedures such as a hysterectomy, ablation and endometrial resection. We propose our patients the finest management methods and discuss potential drawbacks of undergoing certain procedures that may leave them infertile.
STD screening and treatment
Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are a serious health concern for adults and young adolescents of all ages. Individuals who are sexually active are at a greater risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection either through skin to skin contact or through exchanging bodily fluids. STDs are caused by viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Fortunately, most STDs can be treated successfully if early diagnosis is made. At CT OBGYN we commit our time to educating our patients about methods of safe sex available to reduce the risks of contracting an STD and highlight the importance of early screening and treatment, especially in pregnant women with an STD.
Abnormal Pap smear evaluation and treatment
A Pap smear screening is a test to detect abnormalities of the cervical cells (pre-cancerous cells) in the cervix. Sexually active women are advised to undergo yearly pap smears. Our providers at CT OBGYN offer our patients a calm and stress-free environment taking on an engaging and comprehensive approach during the procedure. A Pap smear screening is carried out by using a wooden stick in the cervix to retrieve a sample of cervical cells which are then sent to a cytology laboratory for further examination for any abnormal cell production. If any abnormalities are detected, our patients will be informed about their interpreted lab reports and we will further proceed with providing the finest care, management and treatment program.
HPV screening and vaccination
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus consisting of various types of HPVs that are commonly identified as sexually transmitted infections of HPV’s from low-risk(genital warts) to high-risk (cervical and/or anal cancer). Similar to a pap test, an HPV test is also done by collecting a sample of cervical cells from the cervix. At our practice, we tend to carry out both a pap smear and HPV screenings.
Today, three HPV vaccines are available; Gardasil, Gardasil 9 and Cervarix. To prevent infections of HPV types in both women and young adolescents between the ages of 9 to 26 years, we suggest HPV vaccines upon a visit to our practice. The HPV vaccines are taken within the doctor’s office and are provided in a series of three shots within six months. Our medical professionals discuss both the benefits and side effects of taking the HPV vaccine while also helping those affected by HPV to receive exceptional care.
Pelvic pain
Pelvic pain usually arises in the organs of the pelvis area, such as the bowel, bladder, uterus and ovaries. It is a common heath concern amongst many women. Pelvic pain can be associated to an ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage, or simply due to gynecological related disorders, such as, ovulation occurring mid-cycle, menstrual cramping (dysmenorrhea), pelvic inflammatory disease, rupture of ovarian cyst, fibroid degeneration, or endometriosis. Pelvic pain that interferes with daily activities requires urgent medical attention. We provide a skilled team of medical professionals to determine pelvic pain by carrying out a number of tests; physical pelvic exam, ultrasound, blood tests, urine tests, vaginal cultures to test for STD, laparoscopy or a hysteroscopy. Treatment for both chronic and acute pelvic pain is available.
Sexual dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction is commonly associated to problems with sexual response, desire or painful intercourse that can affect both the woman and her partner. Since every woman desires a healthy sexual response, we offer our patients a one-to-one with our doctors to resolve any sexual problems. Our medical professionals have experience in treating various types of sexual dysfunction, including; desire disorders, arousal disorders, orgasmic disorders and sexual pain disorders. Sexual dysfunction can be caused for a number of reasons, such as; hormonal changes, menopause, aging, stress or anxiety, past sexual experiences and relationships. Both physical and psychological reasons attribute to women experiencing sexual dysfunction. Our practice provides a confidential environment with a skillful and experienced gynecologist to diagnose and treat women experiencing problems within their sexual life.
Today, contraception has become a major decision undertaken by many women. CT OBGYN provides comprehensive contraceptive care to both women and young female adolescents seeking methods of preventing pregnancy. Our practice is equipped with advanced technologies and tools allowing our patients to experience care and management under one facility. Methods of contraception include; medications, procedures, or device insertions. We understand that every woman’s needs are different due to personal reasons, and that is why we make it a priority to deliver exceptional services on a personalized basis. We provide services within our  office for the following commonly utilized contraceptive types; Intrauterine device insertions (IUD), Hormonal Nexplanon (implant inserted into the arm), Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, and Essure with no incisions.
Endometriosis management
Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue of the uterine lining grows outside of the uterus. Women who have endometriosis usually complain of lower abdominal pain, painful periods, painful intercourse, and a delay in conceiving. Possible causes of endometriosis include; retrograde menstruation where menstrual blood flows back through the fallopian tubes instead of flowing out of the body or surgical scar implantation after a C-section or hysterectomy. At CT OBGYN, in order to diagnose endometriosis, we perform a laparoscopy to retrieve biopsy specimens for further examination. Treatment for endometriosis consists of undergoing various management methods to control the severity of the condition. A laparoscopic excision surgery involves the removal of the lesion in the place of growth. In terms of slowing the progression of the condition, we offer management options such as, pain relievers, low dose oral contraceptives or gonadotropin releasing hormone therapy (GnRH).
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common reproductive health condition in which a woman’s hormones are out of balance meaning there is an overproduction of the androgen testosterone. When Ovulation fails to occur it causes menstrual abnormalities with a production of small cysts on the ovaries. Genetics has been considered as the underlying cause of developing PCOS in women. Symptoms of PCOS include; acne, weight gain, excess facial and body hair, irregular periods and trouble conceiving. Diagnosis of PCOS is made by our medical professionals who carry out a number of tests, including; questions regarding patients’ medical history, physical exam, and a blood test to determine sugar levels, hormone tests and a pelvic ultrasound. At CT OBGYN, we offer management of PCOS by encouraging our patients to exercise regularly, maintain a healthy diet, and control their weight. We prescribe birth control pills to reduce symptoms of PCOS and fertility drugs to women having trouble getting pregnant.
Menopause evaluation and therapy
Menopause is when a woman’s menstrual cycle has stopped either naturally or due to medical health concerns. Women undergo various changes affecting them both physically and emotionally. The Obstetricians and Gynecologists at our practice diagnosis patients based on blood tests to determine the level of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and bone tests to measure bone loss associated to menopause.
We offer menopausal women hormone replacement therapy (HRT) which utilizes both estrogen and progesterone female hormones to treat women with onset of menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness to prevent the development of osteoporosis. Currently, HRT has proven to be a highly effective treatment for most women since HRT replaces the hormones that your body can no longer produce and instead supplies the body with either estrogen or progesterone or combinations of these hormones depending on the patients’ health condition.
Major and minor gynecologic surgeries

At CT OBGYN, we offer both major and minor gynecological procedures on-site depending on their health condition with a detailed description given upon visit. Common gynecological surgeries within CT OBGYN include the following;
 Colposcopy (cervix examination for any abnormalities)
 Diagnostic Laparoscopy
 Dilation and Curettage (D&C) (removal of tissue from uterus by a surgical procedure where the cervix is dilated and a thin tool is inserted into the uterus)
 Endometrial Biopsy (sampling of the endometrial lining)
 Endometrial Ablation (removal of the uterine lining)
 Hysteroscopy (wherein a device is inserted through the vagina and cervix into the uterus)
 Hysterectomy (complete removal of the entire uterus)
 Tubal Ligation; Laparoscopic and Hysteroscopy (permanent sterilization by surgical occlusion of the fallopian tubes)
 Urodynamic (involves small catheter to examine the functions and behaviours of the bladder)

Urodynamic testing
Our practice offers urodynamic testing usually used to diagnose patients who experience involuntary urine leaking or other bladder related problems that impact their day to day lives. Common symptoms include; urge to urinate, stop –start urine stream, leaking urine, or persistent urinary tract infections (UTI). We offer a thorough bladder function evaluation and a physical exam which is carried out by our medical professionals who specialize in urinary and pelvic health. At our practice, a number of tests are available within urodynamic testing, such as; uroflometry, postvoid residual measurement, cytometric test, leak point pressure measurement, pressure flow study, electromyography and video urodynamic testing. These tests enable our team of skilled doctors to evaluate the function of the bladder and urethra and further treat any problems. We prioritize in discussing all potential benefits, limitations and possible consequences of undergoing certain urodynamic testing and surgical options and provide the finest care and management program to our patients based on their health status.
Evaluation of over active bladder
An overactive bladder (OAB) is the sudden need to urinate, which can interfere with a person’s day to day life causing activities, such as vacations, evening events or other social situations to be disrupted. Patients with an overactive bladder usually complain about feelings of embarrassment and anxiety which can cause them to limit their daily activities. Symptoms usually include the following; frequent need to urinate, bed wetting or leaking of urine. CT OBGYN offers a thorough evaluation and treatment options ranging from either medications to behavioral changes or a combination of the two. Dependent on the patients’ health condition, we initially precede with encouraging natural treatment options, such as, bladder training or pelvic floor muscle exercises. The former remedy helps change the number of times a person uses the bathroom, known as scheduled voiding, which gradually enables the ability to control the urine. The latter remedy, known as Kegel exercise, encourages the patient to regularly exercise their pelvic area by tightening, holding and relaxing the muscles used to start and stop urination flow. We also recommend that patients with an overactive bladder avoid drinking caffeine or reduce their fluid intake before engaging in certain activities, especially before bed time. Medical professionals may also prescribe patients bladder relaxant medications to combat bladder problems.